Welcome to the home of ROBOBUFF

FRC Team 1633 / FTC Team 2873 / VEX VRC Team 2873

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As a FIRST Robotics Team, our goal is to inspire in young people, their school and community an appreciation of science and technology, and of how mastering these can enrich the lives of all.

Competition Time

FRC Team 1633 - Robobuffs robot

The FIRST Robotics Competition is an exciting, multinational competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way. The program is a life-changing, career-molding experience and a lot of fun. In 2017 the competition reached more than 615,000 students on over 4000 teams in regional competitions reaching teams from 100+ different nations. Teams came from Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Israel, the U.K., Australia among others and almost every U.S. state. The competitions are high-tech spectator sporting events, the result of lots of focused brainstorming, real-world teamwork, dedicated mentoring, project timelines, and deadlines. Of particular note: over $80 million in scholarship funds were available to this year's participants.

Colleges, universities, corporations, businesses, and individuals provide scholarships to our participants. Involved engineers experience again many of the reasons they chose engineering as a profession, and the companies they work for contribute to the community while they prepare and create their future workforce. The competition shows students that the technological fields hold many opportunities and that the basic concepts of science, math, engineering, and technology are exciting and interesting.

Robot Jaime
Tempe High FRC Team
Robot Adam

Contact Us

If you want more information check out the rest of this website, or if you want to visit or join this very active club, come to our next meeting or see our faculty advisor, Mr. Warner, in room Q-106/I-102, phone 480-967-1661 ext. 28092.

Looking for More Information, Have Questions, or Want to Get Involved?

Come by THS Room I-102; Q-106, Contact Us, or Email Us

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